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Sustaining Women-Led Responses: Maximizing Gains in the Global HIV Response

Explore the critical role of women-led responses in sustaining and advancing the global HIV response. Despite their proven impact, these efforts are often underestimated and underfunded, it is critical to continue the discussion on the successes and challenges faced by women-led initiatives, and strategies for ensuring their sustainability and effectiveness. The session will highlight innovative approaches and the importance of gender-transformative investments to address entrenched gender inequalities and support women-led advocacy and service delivery.


  1. Kimberly Springer, Trinidad and Tobago Community Women (Trinadad & Tobago)
  2. Jessica Whitbread, ICW & AWID (Canada)


  1. Mariana Lacono, ICW Latina, (Argentina)


  • Understand the key factors that undermine women-led responses in the HIV context.
  • Learn about effective strategies and innovations in women-led HIV responses.
  • Develop actionable insights to support and sustain women-led initiatives in their communities.
  • Date : 21 July 2024
  • Time : 15:00 - 16:30 (Africa/Harare)
  • Venue : Room 12A - 60 Pax