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Unlocking Community Power: A Preliminary Session on Leadership and Societal Enablers in HIV Programming

STOPAIDS, WACI Health, Aidsfonds, and GNP+ are delighted to invite you to a pivotal preliminary session where we will introduce our critical work focusing on “Community Leadership and Societal Enablers” within HIV programming. 

This session aims to inform and engage community members in our consultation process, building on the efforts of the Love Alliance and The O’Neill Institute to promote global commitments, targets, and initiatives related to health, rights, social accountability, and community leadership.

Between July and October 2024, a series of consultation meetings will be held to explore three core themes:

  1. Policies, programs, and investment in community leadership and societal enablers.
  2. Scaling up community-led responses and societal enablers.
  3. Accountability for financial investments in these areas.

This session will introduce this critical work to a community audience, gather valuable feedback, and provide detailed information on how community members can participate in the process.

Presentations from: STOPAIDS, The O’Neill Institute, WACI Health and Aidsfonds. Join us to share your insights, learn from others, and become an active part of this global movement dedicated to improving health, rights, and social accountability. Together, we can amplify our impact and drive meaningful change. 

  • Date : 21 July 2024
  • Time : 11:30 - 12:30 (Africa/Harare)
  • Venue : Room 12B