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The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), The International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW), The Global Network of Young People Living with HIV (Y+ Global), The HIV Justice Network (HJN), Prevention Access Campaign (PAC), AIDS Action Europe (AAE), Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM Health), The European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) and Afrocab Treatment Access Partnership (Afrocab) are coming together to host the Living 2024 conference 20th -21st July 2024 as an official pre-conference to the International AIDS Society’s AIDS 2024 conference in Munich, Germany.

Living 2024 partners share common interests to meet the conference outcomes for the interests of communities of people living with HIV. GNP+ is leading the conference and partnership coordination, however all partners will bring their expertise and resources to support the organization of the conference.

Our Vision

The International AIDS Society is calling on the global HIV response to unite behind a simple principle: Put people first! at the AIDS 2024 conference.

UNAIDS is championing Let Community Lead claiming that the world can end AIDS, with communities leading the way.

The Living 2024 conference is taking these offers seriously. We are asking the global community to reflect, re-imagine and redefine the future of the HIV movement by building a unique program at Living 2024 that examines sustainability, preparedness, and collaboration at the heart of our vision.


Living 2024 is an opportunity for people living with HIV and affected communities to come together to:
reflect, re-imagine and redefine the future of the HIV movement, transfer knowledge to a new generation of young activists; and,
to build power and consensus to claim our place within the broader global health and development platforms in shaping the HIV sustainability plans beyond 2030.


Create a space for people living with HIV from around the world to connect, share experiences, learn, and set priorities which will inform and influence policy, research, and financial decisions from local to global levels, including the next Global AIDS Strategy.
Convene an intergenerational dialogue to reflect, re- imagine and redefine the future of the HIV movement and the critical role of community leadership in sustaining the HIV response to 2030 and beyond.
Develop a People Living with HIV Community Statement that frames the Global Advocacy Agenda for and by people living with HIV, with actionable interventions.

Conference Organisation

Living 2024 will take place on the 20th and 21st July in a hybrid format. It is expected to host 200 participants each day. The program will be designed around key identified priorities for people living with and affected by HIV, creating space for learning from community experience, science and innovation, peer support and stakeholders’ engagement.