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Access to quality assured treatment and HIV services

Within this theme we will discuss the new and ‘in pipeline’ HIV prevention and treatment therapeutics and diagnostics as well as the policies and research opportunities for people living with HIV linked to these innovations. Globally, only 52% of children living with HIV have access to treatment and nine million people living with HIV are not yet on treatment. According to UNAIDS, in 2022, 630,000 people died of AIDS-related illnesses and 1.7 million were newly infected with HIV. This is despite what we know will end new infections and end AIDS-related deaths. Faced with the realities of our evolving lived experiences and longer life expectancy, new challenges are emerging of managing HIV in older populations. The session will discuss the complex and intersecting issues associated with HIV and ageing.

This theme will provide an opportunity to hear the lived experience from communities, learn from professionals/experts and develop community consensus and an advocacy agenda on what sustainable access to treatment and ending AIDS deaths means from key populations.

Moderator: Wim Vandevelde


How to optimize the PLHIV leadership in increasing availability and access to quality treatment. A regional and global perspective

  1. Speaker: Kenly Sikwese

The neglected needs of older people living with HIV. What is our collective responsibility? 

  1. Speaker: Nicoletta Policek (UK)

What you need to know to advocate for the Advanced HIV disease management.

  1. Speaker: Loon Gangte

What is WHO doing on issues related to Ageing with HIV and Advanced HIV disease.  

  1. Speaker: Ajay Rangaraj

Q&A: (30 min)

Session Sum up and key messages

  • Date : 20 July 2024
  • Time : 11:30 - 12:30 (Africa/Harare)
  • Venue : Room 13b/ Channel 7 - 200 Pax